Transport Conditions for the Cable Cars of Predigtstuhlbahn GmbH & Co. KG

§ 1 Scope

  1. The transportation conditions made known by notice apply to the transport of persons and goods on the respective cable car system and when staying on the respective cable car premises.

  2. The cable car premises include the cable car route, the cable car stations, the entry/exit points and their access routes, as well as the parking lot.

§ 2 Order and Safety

  1. General Provisions:

    1.1. Passengers must behave in such a way that the safety of other passengers, the facility, or the environment is not endangered. They must not disrupt operations under any circumstances. Signs regulating passenger behavior are binding.

    1.2. Instructions given by cable car staff to maintain order, peace, and safety within the cable car facility and for the transportation of persons must be followed immediately.

    1.3. Unless otherwise directed by cable car staff, it is prohibited to: 1.3.1. Enter the cable car and rooms in the stations that are not intended for the public or passengers. 1.3.2. Damage or soil the facility, operational equipment, and cabins or chairs, create obstacles, move the cable car or cabins or chairs without authorization, operate equipment used for operation, carry out other disruptive or dangerous actions, or climb the supports. 1.3.3. Enter or exit at locations other than the designated spots. 1.3.4. Hold or throw objects out of the cabins or chairs. 1.3.5. Cause the cabins or chairs to swing. 1.3.6. Smoke in the stations and during transport. 1.3.7. Damage or dirty the cable car facility (cleaning costs or a minimum of 100.- € will be charged for the removal of dirt and obstacles unless the offender can prove lesser damage).

    1.4. After the ride, cabins or chairs and the exit areas must be vacated immediately in the indicated direction.

    1.5. Carried sports equipment must not endanger the safety of passengers.

    1.6. By purchasing a ticket, the guest fully agrees to the transport conditions.

    1.7. Children may only use the cable car when accompanied by a guardian. The guardian must be able and willing to assist the accompanied child, especially during boarding and alighting. Furthermore, the guardian must assess whether a child is capable of using the cable car and must ensure appropriate behavior. The guardian must explain to the child the rules for using a cable car and the necessary behaviors – even in the event of a cable car stop.

    1.8. The transportation of children in groups is subject to the determinations of the operations manager.

§ 3 Transportation of Persons

  1. The transportation of passengers takes place within the framework of a contract between the cable car operator and the passenger, which is documented by the ticket. There is no statutory obligation to transport upon ticket purchase.

  2. The operating times (first and last ride) are announced in the stations. Special agreements remain unaffected. Note: In special weather conditions, the operator may adjust the operating times.

  3. The Predigtstuhlbahn does not have barrier-free access to the platforms and cabins. Consequently, the transportation of wheelchair users is not possible.

§ 4 Transportation of Goods

  1. The transport of hand luggage, sports equipment, etc., is permitted only insofar as it does not cause unreasonable annoyance or danger to persons, goods, or the respective cable car. The decision lies at the discretion of the operations manager. If additional space is required, the cable car may charge an extra fee. The transport of unaccompanied items is excluded.

  2. Animals can be admitted for transportation if the safe operation is not impaired, the owner has the animal under control during transportation, and any accompanying guests do not object. Liability for the transported animal rests solely with the owner.

  3. The transport of firearms, explosive, easily flammable, or corrosive substances is prohibited.

§ 5 Exclusion from Transportation / Revocation of Ticket

  1. Persons may be excluded from transportation if:

    1.1. They do not comply with the applicable legal regulations and transportation conditions or do not follow the instructions of the cable car staff. 1.2. They do not follow the safety and order regulations set by the company or the operating staff. 1.3. They are transported without a valid ticket or with a ticket issued to another person. 1.4. They endanger safety and order through their condition or behavior or cause public nuisance. 1.5. They appear drunk or intoxicated. 1.6. In these cases, a refund of the fare is excluded.

  2. The ticket can be revoked from persons permanently or temporarily if:

    2.1. They endanger the safety of the cable car facility. 2.2. They disregard the instruction and prohibition signs.

  3. In addition to the revocation of the ticket, legal action may be taken.

  4. The operator may exercise its house right and impose a ban on all its facilities, buildings, and properties.

§ 6 Fares and Tickets

  1. The fares are announced by notice in the stations.

  2. The use of the facilities is only permitted to persons who possess a valid ticket. The passenger is obliged to carry the ticket as intended and present it unprompted in the control zones and on request to a staff member for inspection.

  3. The ticket is generally non-transferable. Exceptions are determined by the tariff.

  4. Children and adolescents must prove their age if it cannot be clearly determined by their height. The obligation to present identification also applies to local passengers.

  5. There is no entitlement to reduced fares for groups.

  6. No compensation is provided for lost or partially unused single or round-trip tickets or point cards.

  7. There is no right to exchange or refund unused tickets. Cancellation fees will be retained or charged for booked special trips if canceled at short notice.

§ 7 Increased Fare

  1. A passenger is obliged to pay an increased fare if they:

    1.1. Have not obtained a valid ticket. 1.2. Have obtained a valid ticket but cannot present it during an inspection. 1.3. Did not validate the ticket when passing through the gate or control. 1.4. Do not present the ticket for inspection upon request. 1.5. Illegally use a ticket or are found with a forged ticket. Legal action in criminal or fine proceedings is reserved. The regulations under § 7, 1.1, and 1.3 do not apply if the procurement or validation of the ticket was omitted for reasons for which the passenger is not responsible.

  2. The increased fare under paragraph 1 is twice the fare intended for the transport, but at least 50.- €.

  3. The increased fare is reduced to a surcharge of 10.- € in case of 1.2, if the passenger proves within one week from the date of determination that they held a valid ticket at the time of the determination.

  4. Any further claims remain unaffected.

§ 8 Release from Transportation

Events of force majeure, such as weather conditions, strikes, lockouts, operational disturbances, or other unforeseen circumstances that may impair the safety of operations, may delay transportation for the duration of the disruption and a reasonable start-up time or cause it to be canceled due to irreparable or untimely rectification. No claim for refund exists in these cases. In unfavorable weather conditions, the operator may adjust the operating times, or the facilities may remain closed.

§ 9 Liability and Compensation

  1. The cable car is liable under the respectively valid mandatory legal provisions, especially the Liability Act.

  2. The cable car is only liable for faults if intentional or gross negligence by the company, its legal representatives, senior employees, or agents (including auxiliary staff) can be proven.

  3. All claims not explicitly mentioned – particularly due to missed train or bus connections – are legally excluded.

§ 10 Lost Property

Anyone who finds a lost item on the cable car premises and takes it into their possession is obliged to hand it over to the cable car staff without delay in accordance with § 978 BGB (German Civil Code).

§ 11 Data Protection and Video Surveillance

The collection, processing, storage, and use of personal data of passengers occur in compliance with data protection regulations. To ensure the safety of passengers and cable car operations and to prevent misuse of tickets, access areas are periodically monitored by video. This is indicated by signs. The passenger agrees to the video surveillance and recording of images. Recording is solely for the protection of property rights and operational security interests. The data is deleted immediately when no longer necessary for the intended purpose. The relevant provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act are observed.

§ 12 Limitation

  1. Claims from the transportation contract expire three years after the claim arises.

  2. Otherwise, the limitation period is governed by general legal provisions.

§ 13 Place of Performance and Jurisdiction

The place of performance is the seat of the cable car company. The place of jurisdiction for all lawsuits against the cable car is its seat.

§ 14 Partial Invalidity

If individual provisions of these transportation conditions are wholly or partially invalid or void, the remaining provisions remain binding.